New book on the way
This week I've been working on
Naomi Hunter's new book. If you know her first picture book you'll know that she doesn't shy away from tackling the big issues. This one is about parenting and depression. Which sounds very sad, but it's a book full of hope. It's beautifully written and I really hope the pictures do it justice.Depression and mental health are uncomfortable issues to discuss in relation to parenting. My oldest is nearly 15, so I've been to
many playgroup sessions week after week and school mothers nights out. Predictably there's always a lot of talk about mile-stones and achievements. The one thing you can count on
not hearing is 'Do you know what? I'm not having such a great time of things'. Parents can't talk about not coping. It would be like admitting failure. And when you live in a gorgeous suburb by the sea, with a nice house, good jobs and healthy children....well failing to be anything but joyful and grateful is frankly
not on!Picture books often tackle the big issues. Here are some of my favourites:Refugees and migration:
The Arrival by Shaun TanMemory loss and Altzeimers disease:
Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox and Julie VivasWar:
The Treasure Box by Margaret Wild and Freya BlackwoodGrief and Loss:
Badgers Parting Gifts by Susan VarleyAnxiety in children:
Go Away Worry Thoughts by Nicky Johnson