Karen Erasmus Illustration and Art

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I've had a RedBubble shop for years and years and never sold a single thing. I'm not moaning, I've done absolutely no work on it and if you have a shop but don't change the stock or advertise in any way you can expect nothing to happen. It didn't seem worth the endless amount of hours it takes to refine work for reprint and the gaps in my knowledge seemed utterly enormous. Best to stick to book illustration, I thought, for ages.But Illustrators Australia are running a wonderful exhibition call 'Wear Art Thou', and because I just adore the title I thought I'd challenge myself to designing a t.shirt. I'm not great at it, but it's fun and in the process I have learnt loads and loads and loads of really useful and interesting stuff about Photoshop and uploading stuff online. It seems you just have to sit and read all the guidance they have to offer and follow it, and practice and read it again and then do it properly without skipping bits. Much like learning any other stuff really. So I'm completely addicted to it now. So here's my work in the shop and here it is too, just for you.skiptshirtwhite